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Life Philosophies.
In this thread, post some short statements, of which you could live your life by. If they need explaining, please do so.

Don't blow into a hole.
This one is a little hard to explain and can be interpreted a number of ways, I like to think of it as not doing something that could come right back and get you. If you blow into a hole in real life, the air is gonna come straight back to you!

If it makes a good story, do it!
This is pretty self explanatory. It means don't hold back if your going to look back on it and laugh.

There is no tomorrow.
This one pretty much means live each day like there is no tomorrow. I think I live this one a little too well, especially when I am driving! (Ridiculously fast, un-liscenced)
Sounds like a good thread in the makings.
I live my life as an optimist and by the motto "Optimism & Effort Bring Success". It's pretty straight forward. If you filter out the negative thoughts and only allow (even if you have to force them) positive thoughts, you'll begin to find things will get a lot easier. I've been doing this for around a year now and it's really changed me. I used to be extremely stressed out over school work and never enjoyed doing school assignments or homework. With my new point of view, I'm (strangely) able to enjoy things I used to hate. If something was physically tough, I'd simply remind myself: Optimism & Effort Bring Success.
Many people are depressed these days. In 2006, in Australia over 13 million antidepressant drugs were prescribed (thats more than one between every two Australian residents). It made me realize that I didn't want to be one of those statistics and that I had to do something with my life and live as a happy person.
If there's one thing that I can suggest for people, it's to find your purpose in life, and work on achieving this purpose everyday. Even if it's only ten minutes a day. Be an optimist and never think bad thoughts. Your life will change amazingly.
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
I really enjoy this particular Swedish proverb that goes, "Den som gräver en grop åt andra faller ofta själv däri." which basically means if you're intentionally trying to make someone feel bad, or worsen their situation, then you yourself will reap what you sow. Since I was 13, I've been trying to better myself to become a serene person who cares. I've bettered myself by learning to bite my tongue. I also cherish what my dad would always say when my brothers and I were toddlers; "Choose your battles wisely." Too often, I see people get their panties in a bunch because they feel they have to retaliate against someone for something they did, when it's not even worth it. I always try to consider, "What would I gain out of arguing with this person?" 99% of the time, the answer is nothing Tongue I suppose I have more, but I don't feel like going into exact detail at the moment.
I don't think many people realize that with a positive outlook on life, you can change it dramatically!

Simple things, such as thoughts, can help you be such a better person!
(10-19-2009, 10:45 PM)Extasey Wrote: I don't think many people realize that with a positive outlook on life, you can change it dramatically!

Simple things, such as thoughts, can help you be such a better person!

Completely agree. You know how every week or so you'll find yourself in an amazing position? Where you've got no homework to do, no assignments to worry about and you're completely stress free? You feel amazing.
For many people this only lasts for a matter of hours but ever since I've enlightened myself to optimism I'm like this almost 100% of the time. If you're depressed or could feel better, I urge you to change your perspective on life - you'll be a better person for it.
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
damink_lol Wrote:Reality is for those who can not handle drugs Smile ??

I have used it for years lol
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(10-20-2009, 02:46 PM)PaNiK Wrote: crap happens, party naked.

Beyond the above I also like...
It doesn't matter whether you belive it or not, it's how it is.

Knowledge is Power.

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"Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow."
Practice makes perfect? Haha..

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