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I'm a jerk?
I've seen so many of these threads of people who are having problems with their social and love life. Nothing wrong with that, that's what the section is for. But what seriously pisses me of is people whining about how girls never go for them the good guy but always go for the jerk. In almost every thread that crap comes up, and quite frankly it's really pissing me off, because 9/10 times I'd be that jerk.

I know that I've been the one to get that girl you were too afraid to talk to, so, how does that make me a jerk?
In all my relations I've always been very loving I still hang out with allot of my ex's and yet I'm somehow described as a jerk by that guy who-kinda-had-something-with-her-but-she-didn't-really-know-it, yeah, that happened in real life to me.

Surely I don't care about it much. I know who my friends are, and they know me. I just do not like people who are having trouble in the romantic area giving other people the fault for their failures.

Wanting help is cool, but to get help you must admit that the problem is with you, and you only. Maybe you all going to see me as the bad guy, that fudge that's ranting on the weak people. Yet I hope people can find themselves in my little rant. And I even more hope to people having problems romantically will realise what's wrong as step the fudge up and change something about it.

That's all.

Just one more thing; you better be donating to Japan and the Islands around it. They need it.
[Image: 58iH.gif]
Perhaps it's hard to give advice as somebody who has never faced the same situations as those you're offering to help. People take criticism in different ways and when people are looking for help it's not the greatest idea to bring their faults to life. You're supposed to be helping, not reminding them why they're in the situation they're in.'

All I'm saying is forget everything in the past and help them make the right decisions from here on out. People often mistake honesty for being rude, don't take it to heart, at least you're offering advice and trying to help.
I can't agree with you. Those people are asking help for a certain reason, because they need it.
You can not ask for help but at the same time state you're not in need for help.
Admitting your fault is the first step, then you can go ahead and change something.
[Image: 58iH.gif]
(03-14-2011, 02:14 PM)C4Vendetta Wrote: I can't agree with you. Those people are asking help for a certain reason, because they need it.
You can not ask for help but at the same time state you're not in need for help.
Admitting your fault is the first step, then you can go ahead and change something.

They need help, and this realization of their faults shows in the fact that they came to a support forum to get help, lol.

Your job is to provide the help, not tell them what they did wrong, if they didn't know that they're doing something wrong they wouldn't be here.

No one called you a jerk. Stop being so cocky.
Don't get offended, when they say "jerk", doesn't mean they are referring to you, they just don't make themselves clear about who they really are talking about. Anyways, I do partly agree with you on this, depending on what type of girl she is, she will fall for a boy who is more popular or "hard" as some people say. Also, when people complain about their romantic life, sometimes, they do need to step up to the plate & admit that they are the problem.
Implying you get girls ?
[Image: Nyan.jpg]
Interesting conversation. I think it is great to be so straight forward. it is true to take responsibility for your part in a relationship gone wrong. I joine dthe forum to get some support with just that. Interestingly, anyone calling someone a name, is often having another picture in mind associated with the name calling. My issue, i thought i was friends with a guy who was nice as first but I realised he was being manipulative, making me feel bad as he did not get one thing from me. I told him we can be friends as being new here i could really do with that. he now just ignores me and treats me like a freak which is really hurtful. now freshly hurt, i am tryignt o see how i could have done things differently. The support is to receive advice on how to deal with this and even try and understand why this guy (whom I must stilll meet) is acting this strange way. on top of it my reaction is to ask him to not speak to me and leave me alone. Funny that we have to work together so how the hell am i to act when feeling so disappointed and hurt. Is he being a jerk or was i the stupid one to think we could be friends, believing his words?

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