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Advertisement Question
If there's a forum that I've got and I need Administrators/Moderators for, and it has nothing to do with support or computers, can I post a request or is that Advertisement?
I believe the rule about advertisements is not competing forums. I'd advise you not give someone actual Admin rights to your forum until you really trust them. Or at the very most, very limited rights. This would probably go in OSHIT.
Do you know how to make games? Do you know 3d Modeling? If so then visit
[Image: logo.png]
Oh alright... Technically Alphorums isn't a competing forum. It's for people to talk and hang out.
What? Its acceptable to email every member here?
Na man. Surely not??
The Rules!
FTW Forum <-- Home of the Damned! --> Join me On MM

Not emailling, I would classify that as SPAM, but making a post should be fine IMHO.
Do you know how to make games? Do you know 3d Modeling? If so then visit
[Image: logo.png]
Just a straight up answer anyone? .-.;
There are/used to be sites where you go there and request mods/admins, alot of people will come in and post there resumes/applications and you just choose.

But I don't remember where, all I remember is the forums were on InvisionFree, but hey.. they were all trustworthy and active etc.
Is this it?

That's going to go nowhere if it is.
Superman I am here to rescue you.
This is Support Forums not Support PMs.  Do not PM me for support unless it's private and site related.
(10-17-2009, 07:34 PM)Omniscient Wrote: Is this it?

That's going to go nowhere if it is.

[Image: dood-why-u-gota-be-so-mean.jpg]
He isn't being mean he is being honest. I hope you're getting a top-level domain and adding more sections (that is if that forum is yours).

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