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Have you ever Tried a Drug?
Never accept a cigarette once and some dry weeds outside my door that I lit up and puffed a bit...
- Shock!
weed, alcohol, 2cb, 2ct, mescaline, related phenylthylatriptaphenes...
tryptiphenes, shrooms, salvia...

(12-12-2010, 03:26 PM)SiR CRaCk AL0T Wrote: I've never tried drugs and never will. Drugs are for fools with no lives. If you value your life at all you would stay away from drugs. That's just my own opinion.

What the User qouted above said. HE is another mindless robot of society..
some of the most succesful people in the world did drugs. Some even got hooked...

(12-03-2010, 06:00 PM)Solidus Wrote: Never.
Doesn't appeal to me, and I wont be friends with anyone who uses them.

real open minded people on this forum....
slowly getting better
I have tried some silly drugs. I don't feel proud of it, but it was fun.
I'm addicted to coffee. 'Nuff said.
I've never done a drug other than medicines like asprins and tylenols
Big Grin

I tried but hate coffee.
<3 Caffeine in coke and pepsi and stuff.
[Image: 9178_s.gif]
Nope, i'll probably smoke weed at some point but haven't yet
There is no need for me, i get whats called a natural high, I collect good energy from around me and implement it into my life.
[Image: angelsig.jpg]

Unfortunately, I have done every drug known to man. It started with weed, but into LSD and pills, and then up to one year, went to heroin addiction. All have negative side, and generally a good thing. I saw people who smoke, and sometimes a person or pop a pill is nothing wrong with weed.
Never tried and I'll never try.
i smoked dope in high school but i quit several months ago. nothing wrong with it just time to move on and grow up a bit i guess, i might do weed brownies again if i can convince my GF to bake me some but i don't think i'll ever smoke anything again.

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