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When you just can't sleep?
I keep trying, but if i cant i normally give up and get on the PC :p
I seriously think sleeping problems only occur to people are very intelligent/work-a-holics/people who want to get somewhere in life; people who can't sleep as they know they can be doing something more constructive with their time, and when trying to sleep come up with new business schemes/ideas!

Tell me if this is what's going on for you Omni
I stay up all day and drink energy juice Big Grin
have had lifelong severe sleeping issues but doctors have always refused meds help.

woud recommend trying this,to omni and anyone else who is stuck with sleeping problems,as it is something that have been told by GP and a pyschologist to follow.
it all doesnt work in own case,but it might work for someone else.

-stop drinking any form of caffeine or heavy sugared drink after early evening time,if have got to drink tea or coffee-get decaff instead.
can recommend starbucks VIA range [those take home sachets in a box] as they do an italian coffee version which is decaff and it tastes smokey and very nice indeed-not typical decaff rubbish.
can also buy bottles of pure essences/syrups from starbucks to mix in a bit with the coffee and add some sweeter flavour-caramel goes great with the decaff [and with the columbian non decaff to].

-work out a night time routine which is kept to every night,though of course this is harder for people who have differing hours or work shifts etc.

-if possible,try to avoid using the computer/internet and other high stimulating stuff as the last thing before bed,as these activities keep the brain waves set to an energised pattern which makes it a lot harder to get to sleep with.

-avoid using the melatonin supplements that are widely available in some countries like america,these are not a safer answer to prescribed sedatives
,melatonin is a natural hormone/chemical in the brain which controls sleep/waking process,and when these supplements are used long term the brain stops producing as much,leading to reliance on the supplements,and they cause insomnia when coming off them whilst the brain learns to start producing it again.
have tried melatonin before [we cant buy it over the counter here,its not licenced] ,its not the great sleep aid its made out to be.
-the reason people say to drink milk at night,is because there is a small amount of melatonin in it but in reality its not going to really help with sleeping problems.

-try making the bedroom a multi sensory environment-use aromatherapy [oils like lavandar to help with sleep],get some bubbletubes set up,and very slow calming music maybe.
make sure the room isnt full of hightech stuff,leave the bedroom just for sleeping and little else,as this does affect sleeping when other routines are introduced into it.

-use a calming paint colour on the wall,white is probably the best for use as its under stimulating as well,its the most common colour used in sensory rooms,though personaly use pale blue in own bedroom.

-have a good bed,mattress and pillow-the older they are the worse the sleep will get [and stupid back and neck problems to].
When I cannot sleep, I usually play some music or turn the TV on. If that doesn't help, I usually get up and make something to eat and work on the computer.
[Image: idgjkO.png]
Sometimes you can not sleep it can mean that you have your ideas may make you worry about things. Although it is not always a person you can or something, but also in the day, you did not really notice it's thinking, you may even feel a certain way about the situation, but you can not achieve it until there is less to In the new day. Only concerned with your life may have occurred and how you feel, maybe you need to let young people to activities.
It pisses me off lol. I will stay their trying to sleep than 2 hrs later i have to do thing like open the door, turn on the fan, or go pee or something. lol.
When I can't sleep I go out side to take a walk, think of my girl, load up a lot of text messages to my girls cell phone inbox saying how much I miss her and love her or I'll just have a midnight snack Big Grin
[Image: qoxy8.png]
I just go to sleep out somewhere, because I relax when It's more cold. I mean in summer.
Once I went to bed about 4 hours before I should, because I Was tired, then I woke up about 2 hours before I should, and then I couldn't sleep, it all resulted in me being tired the whole day.

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