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What Fruits/Vegies make you taller?
I stand at a proud 5'3" and I'm a 21 year old male. I've actually been this height since I was 14; people always told me I had plenty of time left to grow but it never happened. I think I always suspected I was done growing since I'm taller than my dad by almost two inches but shorter than my mom by a couple inches. Be prepared to be the height you are right now. The best thing to do is to stop worrying about it so much. You're only going to 'cause yourself more grief if you get caught up about your height. Just eat and sleep right like you're supposed to and enjoy the time you have at your age.
Do stretches (yoga can add two inches in a month); Workout (working out during growth spurts makes you taller.) Do slow reps of very heavy weight; this builds up HGH (human growth hormone.) If you have access to weed smoke some on a daily basis; smoking slows metabolism so you can increase in size also. Dont drink cola: (phospheric acid stunts growth), chicken, (also contains phospheric acid.) cofee or smoke cigarettes; make sure you get maximum hours of sleeep between 10:00PM and 2:00AM (when human growth hormone is realeased the most) and make sure you go to bed freakin tired (do a after hardcore activity before bed. (smoking weed helps put you to sleep faster and harder) A rumour is being studied right now; but the suggestion is that building up cold tolerance and staying in 'colder' tempatures also promotes HGH... Sleeping on your back decompresses the spine and makes it straighter then sleeping on your stomach or sidewayz. For example the second you get out of bed you may have half an inch of hieght added due to the spine being decompressed by lack of gravity; so sleeping on your back makes the spine more and more less compressed = increased height. If your allowed to get drunk; drink alot (if you have a high alcohol blood content your body throws itself into (delta state) which repairs the body from such high alcohol content; but in the process also releases HGH
I'm 15 and I'm just under 5'3 I suffer from delayed growth syndrome. However I love being small. It doesn't bother me even if I do get a bit of stick, anyway on topic like it's been mentioned BEEF apparently it's like the best food for growth.
I don't think any do, but I suppose going to the doctors and asking them wouldn't hurt.
I'm in 9th grade, and I am 5'8''.

It's not that abnormal to be 5'5''
I'm 17 and amost 6 feet I think the secret is to sleep alot and play basketball.
[Image: juan9087.jpg]
It's all to do with genes 5"5 just now give it 1-2 years and you will most probably take a stretch that's what happend to me in the last year and I went from 5"5 to 5"10 I'm 15 btw
I think it's just all about genetics, and sleep.
[Image: zceey]
Poppy. <3
Drink some chocolate milk. Chocolate milk can never hurt Smile
Fruit will make you healthy, because they contain vitamin C, your height is your DNA, no fruit can change this situation. Lettuce and cherries or strawberries.there will be must drink milk, make your bones become more streamlined, is positive, the parties may be a difference in the

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