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What's your definition of Racism?
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(10-12-2009, 02:33 PM)Alpha Wrote: It wasnt an argument yet, but more of a flame war. And we get that alot on hackforums, I 'd prefer if it wasnt brought onto Support Forums.

That still does not complete my question, so i will ask you again who are you talking to? please quote the person you are talking to.

Racism to me is the abuse of many black people and homosexuals to scream racism soon as something does not suit them.

Racism to me is that there are gay parades while a straight parade would be considered racism.

Racism to me is that city's in the Netherlands get money for placing immigrants in houses while the Dutch people are on a 5 year waiting list.

Do I need to go on?
(10-13-2009, 07:45 AM)Legion Wrote: Racism to me is the abuse of many black people and homosexuals to scream racism soon as something does not suit them.

Racism to me is that there are gay parades while a straight parade would be considered racism.

Racism to me is that city's in the Netherlands get money for placing immigrants in houses while the Dutch people are on a 5 year waiting list.

Do I need to go on?

FAIL - Gays are not a race Omg
[Image: Lj]
(10-12-2009, 02:09 PM)Alpha Wrote: You dont realy have to take the definition of Racism as far as an argument. This topic was opened to be expressing yourself, not go against others opinions.

Then don't post something ignorant like that. You see, some of us are, by the common man's definition, a redneck. But, most people that are by the common man's definition "redneck" are not racist. Then will come in the other stereotype of "hick" "stupid" etc. Well, there are a vast majority of us working on higher education with plans to gain even more higher education. So, that disproves the stereotype of that as well.

When you make a thread like this, and then post an ignorant thing like you did, people are bound to start flaming you. And people are bound to keep at it until you realize how ignorant of a remark and stupid it was to post it.

As has been said, all the talk about racism is what perpetuates it. Making a thread is contributing to racism. Stereotypes contribute to racism. When people stop acknowledging the race of someone and the color of their skin and start acknowledging the fact that everyone is human, that is when racism will truly die.
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Nevets (If you knew him, you would understand)
(10-12-2009, 12:06 PM)Vorfin Wrote: Surely by using the word redneck to describe racism, you are grouping a set of people together under a stereotype. Thus making you racist, no?

Or is this another one of those things where it's OK for black people to do something, but not whites because you were slaves? Like using the word "n.i.g.g.e.r" You can use it, but we can't right?

Dear lord, get over the black white thing. By even acknowledging race exists you promote the problem. It's like the ridiculous hate crime laws, you get more jail time for killing a black person because it was a "hate crime" Doesn't that law then give the impression black people are different to white people? And thus promotes race differences.

NOTE: I'm not a redneck, or from the south, I'm not even from America. So before you call me an ignorant southen "hick" I should let you know I'm an upper middle class Englishman.

Vorfin lol you have no idea.It is ok for black people to say the n word to each other. That is a word as...... a friend or something (im black I say it) but If a white person say's it it's ok but if they say the other "N" word it's racism. "N" is the derogatory racist, call blacks that's when it becomes a problem.
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Fine if you have such a problem with a joke about rednecks I'll change my word.

Fail. <--My word.

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