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{TUT} Key Finder vb.2008
i didnt saw a tutorial aout this so i thought lets make 1. this is a good tutorial for beginners. i'm sorry my englisch sucks because im dutch.

first of all open visual basics > new project > windows forms aplication

add the following from the toolbox :

1 button
1 textbox
1 label

laat het er ongeveer zo uitzien.

[Image: 339rbmb.png]

call button 1 Find Key

then double click button 1 and add this code.

textbox1.text = (GetProductKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\", "DigitalProductId"))

then add this code to label 1 this will show your product key.

Label1.Text = My.Computer.Info.OSFullName

then double click form1 and add the following code to form1.

Public Function GetProductKey(ByVal KeyPath As String, ByVal ValueName As String) As String
        Dim HexBuf As Object = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue(KeyPath, ValueName, 0)
        If HexBuf Is Nothing Then Return "N/A"
        Dim tmp As String = ""
        For l As Integer = LBound(HexBuf) To UBound(HexBuf)
            tmp = tmp & " " & Hex(HexBuf(l))
        Dim StartOffset As Integer = 52
        Dim EndOffset As Integer = 67
        Dim Digits(24) As String
        Digits(0) = "B" : Digits(1) = "C" : Digits(2) = "D" : Digits(3) = "F"
        Digits(4) = "G" : Digits(5) = "H" : Digits(6) = "J" : Digits(7) = "K"
        Digits(8) = "M" : Digits(9) = "P" : Digits(10) = "Q" : Digits(11) = "R"
        Digits(12) = "T" : Digits(13) = "V" : Digits(14) = "W" : Digits(15) = "X"
        Digits(16) = "Y" : Digits(17) = "2" : Digits(18) = "3" : Digits(19) = "4"
        Digits(20) = "6" : Digits(21) = "7" : Digits(22) = "8" : Digits(23) = "9"
        Dim dLen As Integer = 29
        Dim sLen As Integer = 15
        Dim HexDigitalPID(15) As String
        Dim Des(30) As String
        Dim tmp2 As String = ""
        For i = StartOffset To EndOffset
            HexDigitalPID(i - StartOffset) = HexBuf(i)
            tmp2 = tmp2 & " " & Hex(HexDigitalPID(i - StartOffset))
        Dim KEYSTRING As String = ""
        For i As Integer = dLen - 1 To 0 Step -1
            If ((i + 1) Mod 6) = 0 Then
                Des(i) = "-"
                KEYSTRING = KEYSTRING & "-"
                Dim HN As Integer = 0
                For N As Integer = (sLen - 1) To 0 Step -1
                    Dim Value As Integer = ((HN * 2 ^ 8) Or HexDigitalPID(N))
                    HexDigitalPID(N) = Value \ 24
                    HN = (Value Mod 24)
                Des(i) = Digits(HN)
                KEYSTRING = KEYSTRING & Digits(HN)
            End If
        Return StrReverse(KEYSTRING)
    End Function

de hele code zou er zo uit moeten zien.

Public Class Form1
    Public Function GetProductKey(ByVal KeyPath As String, ByVal ValueName As String) As String
        Dim HexBuf As Object = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue(KeyPath, ValueName, 0)
        If HexBuf Is Nothing Then Return "N/A"
        Dim tmp As String = ""
        For l As Integer = LBound(HexBuf) To UBound(HexBuf)
            tmp = tmp & " " & Hex(HexBuf(l))
        Dim StartOffset As Integer = 52
        Dim EndOffset As Integer = 67
        Dim Digits(24) As String
        Digits(0) = "B" : Digits(1) = "C" : Digits(2) = "D" : Digits(3) = "F"
        Digits(4) = "G" : Digits(5) = "H" : Digits(6) = "J" : Digits(7) = "K"
        Digits(8) = "M" : Digits(9) = "P" : Digits(10) = "Q" : Digits(11) = "R"
        Digits(12) = "T" : Digits(13) = "V" : Digits(14) = "W" : Digits(15) = "X"
        Digits(16) = "Y" : Digits(17) = "2" : Digits(18) = "3" : Digits(19) = "4"
        Digits(20) = "6" : Digits(21) = "7" : Digits(22) = "8" : Digits(23) = "9"
        Dim dLen As Integer = 29
        Dim sLen As Integer = 15
        Dim HexDigitalPID(15) As String
        Dim Des(30) As String
        Dim tmp2 As String = ""
        For i = StartOffset To EndOffset
            HexDigitalPID(i - StartOffset) = HexBuf(i)
            tmp2 = tmp2 & " " & Hex(HexDigitalPID(i - StartOffset))
        Dim KEYSTRING As String = ""
        For i As Integer = dLen - 1 To 0 Step -1
            If ((i + 1) Mod 6) = 0 Then
                Des(i) = "-"
                KEYSTRING = KEYSTRING & "-"
                Dim HN As Integer = 0
                For N As Integer = (sLen - 1) To 0 Step -1
                    Dim Value As Integer = ((HN * 2 ^ 8) Or HexDigitalPID(N))
                    HexDigitalPID(N) = Value \ 24
                    HN = (Value Mod 24)
                Des(i) = Digits(HN)
                KEYSTRING = KEYSTRING & Digits(HN)
            End If
        Return StrReverse(KEYSTRING)
    End Function

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        MsgBox(GetProductKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\", "DigitalProductId"))
    End Sub

    Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click
        Label1.Text = My.Computer.Info.OSFullName
    End Sub
End Class

all done now you build your own key finder.
[Image: icBx9Y.png]
Awesome thread, I don't really code in Visual Basic something big, but I can learn this.
(11-01-2010, 08:25 AM)Firas™ Wrote: Awesome thread, I don't really code in Visual Basic something big, but I can learn this.

thanks im glad i can help Smile
[Image: icBx9Y.png]
I needed a function that decrypts the digital key, and here I got it. Thanks.
(11-04-2010, 05:57 AM)Marik™ Wrote: I needed a function that decrypts the digital key, and here I got it. Thanks.

no thanks glad i could help
[Image: icBx9Y.png]
Maybe you could make one for Office 2010?
(11-04-2010, 11:26 AM)Marik™ Wrote: Maybe you could make one for Office 2010?

yeah sure i will get right on it Smile
[Image: icBx9Y.png]
Alright, mind if you PM me right after you complete it?
(11-04-2010, 11:53 AM)Marik™ Wrote: Alright, mind if you PM me right after you complete it?

yes ofcourse i will pm you after i finished.
[Image: icBx9Y.png]
Hi, This is FANTASTIC, thanks a lot for the code.Yeye
would it be possbile to get the Office 2010 keys?

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