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Maybe you could relate
Thats so touching... Wow, thanks for making me read that. I really needed it.
[Image: t5BWm.png]
It depends, I have a rather jaded look at the world, when I see a homeless dude I think there is a good chance it is his fault he is there, whether it is drug addiction or alcoholism, as someone who has overcome both, I look down on people who refuse to stop wallowing in self pity and do something about it.

You may think I'm an ignorant prick but that's my 2 cents.
That made me think :o
Okay you got my attention, now i cant stop thinking regard about this.

Its hard to decide should i do something or just leave and do something nothing.
Yeah, it made me think too. Also, HQ post.
(10-07-2010, 10:46 PM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: It depends, I have a rather jaded look at the world, when I see a homeless dude I think there is a good chance it is his fault he is there, whether it is drug addiction or alcoholism, as someone who has overcome both, I look down on people who refuse to stop wallowing in self pity and do something about it.

You may think I'm an ignorant prick but that's my 2 cents.

You sir would make a great Republican! Smile Political jokes aside I can see what you are saying, this post wasn't necessarily linking the acts of kindness which should be reactions that we should do everyday only to those less fortunate than us such as homeless people. We can help anyone at anytime, I was just using this sad story I remember as an example to share a thought I've had with the users of SF. Regardless of who's fault their situation may be, or if they are lazy or not I still enjoy helping them out because they're someone with less that me, and being a religious person (although you don't have to be religious to give) I feel obligated from several times that I've read of giving in the Bible to at least share a little with them.

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