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(08-04-2010, 12:46 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: 1) Sound on a website sucks. Period. Unless its subtle buttons.
2) Please enable java script?
3) Page hangs on doubleclick crap you have added to it.
4) Love the url. Really do.
5) Forum now! Banner is too much. Damn thing reloads each time!
6) Disabling Right click is just gay.

All in all i would have to give it a bad review sorry mate.
Love the URL but.

I took into account what you said & made a few changes.

1) Scrapped the intro song on the index page.
2) Reminder to enable javascript has gone now.
3) The page doesn't hang, or at least it shouldn't.
4) Yes, the url is still there and being loved.
5) Scrapped the javascript banner.

Interesting. I think it needs more polish though.

I'd split up your top header links into two rows.

I'd consider new on/off icons as well. They aren't a great match imho.

The hover underline is too bland. Maybe a small color change like to #cccccc would work better.

You have to change the bottom panel border color to match the top panel.

It's a decent start though. I think you'll do well.
Superman I am here to rescue you.
This is Support Forums not Support PMs.  Do not PM me for support unless it's private and site related.
Quote:You have to change the bottom panel border color to match the top panel.
You have good eyes, I didn't notice. Done/Fixed.

I will see what i can do without corrupting the whole thing.

I've made some changes, more constructive criticism is welcome. I'm going to add a shoutbox more flash games, content and work on traffic soon.
I haven't put a banner yet, i kinda like the look of it without a banner. I may request one in the graphics section once i decide what i want, or try make one myself.

more feedback/constructive criticism welcome.

The enter page seems extremely noobish, everyone has this few that the matrix is all l33t h4ck3rz....
This such crap, ignore it all and just get it to go straight to the forum, also with the forum is the green & black really necessary? Once again it goes back to the whole l33t h4ck3r thing....
I think if you make this among other required changes (PM me for more info) then you will get more members which will itself increase people's desire to join.
[Image: electricdreamswithborde.png]
(08-11-2010, 07:41 AM)ElectricDreams Wrote: The enter page seems extremely noobish, everyone has this few that the matrix is all l33t h4ck3rz....
This such crap, ignore it all and just get it to go straight to the forum, also with the forum is the green & black really necessary? Once again it goes back to the whole l33t h4ck3r thing....
I think if you make this among other required changes (PM me for more info) then you will get more members which will itself increase people's desire to join.

those are the colors i want/have chosen. I will probably experiment with different themes later down the track, but for now i'm running with this. it's not necessary the matrix either, it's just binary.

Okay then fair enough but most people will associate it with the matrix and will leave straight away, that is what I meant. I would definitely encourage you to remove the binary code, or at least looking exactly like that....

I think it would be a very good idea to experiment with themes, perhaps sooner than later.
[Image: electricdreamswithborde.png]
- URL is good. It's catchy & interesting.
- Splash screen looks simple yet really effective.
- Theme suits the forum very nicely.
- Animated Ficon is pretty annoying.
- Forum statistics would be nice.
- Clicked on a thread & the theme changes? (To a less user-friendly theme at that)
- Needs a new banner (Which I know you are looking into)

As a forum I don't really see what the target audience is?
For example, Support Forums is a forum where users can seek Support on various topics. Your forum seems to have slightly random topics and no real sense of direction.

I think if you decide upon a target audience, work on some of the points that people have made, and put 100% effort into it, it could become a success.
(08-12-2010, 01:24 PM)Fragma Wrote: - URL is good. It's catchy & interesting.
- Splash screen looks simple yet really effective.
- Theme suits the forum very nicely.
- Animated Ficon is pretty annoying.
- Forum statistics would be nice.
- Clicked on a thread & the theme changes? (To a less user-friendly theme at that)
- Needs a new banner (Which I know you are looking into)

As a forum I don't really see what the target audience is?
For example, Support Forums is a forum where users can seek Support on various topics. Your forum seems to have slightly random topics and no real sense of direction.

I think if you decide upon a target audience, work on some of the points that people have made, and put 100% effort into it, it could become a success.

I changed the theme, i was probably in the process of doing it while you were looking at it.

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