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What do you look for in a forum?
Information. Normally that's my first requirement to join. Is there data I need. But I'll remain in a community that's active. Maturity will make me like the community.
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This is Support Forums not Support PMs.  Do not PM me for support unless it's private and site related.
I also look for good grammar.
Also, a nice-looking theme. Some just throw me off too much and just unattractive overall.
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

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I usually join if there is something I want help with or if there is any information I might be able to get from the forum. Once I've registered, if the community is friendly, helpful and I feel that I have something to offer the forum, then I will stay active.
Information, firstly. Then you have to think is the information readable? A decent theme that's easy to navigate is a biggy - then comes active members and people with their head screwed on.
(08-04-2010, 11:39 AM)Omniscient Wrote: Information. Normally that's my first requirement to join. Is there data I need. But I'll remain in a community that's active. Maturity will make me like the community.

I believe maturity is one of the main factors.
Funny staff,HQ Posts,Admins who are more then welcome to be friends with you and active members.

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