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b1t fux0r

From the "What is your hacker nickname?? CHECK" thread, lol.
You want a real Copy paste from me?
Here ya go. This is a 1hr long flame battle between me and a mate grim. It was fun.
It starts at the bottom.... Sorry. Its a copy paste. But worthy of reading. I imagine many words to be edited by omnis stupid filter but here ya go.

» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:35 -- Almost worth copying this little shoutbox bit of fun and making a post. Yep will do that. A how to piss off grim post. Smile
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:34 -- Sorry grim. I was having fun.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:34 -- 1 day ban for spamming.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:33 -- "HERKA DERKA DERRRRRRRRR"
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:33 -- cocking wanker now. Cool. How does that translate into white speak?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:33 -- crap freakin cavity COCKING WANKER
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:33 -- YOURE A freakin cavity
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:32 -- You gunna kill yourself?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:31 -- It's time for revenge
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:31 -- Is that serb for desert?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:31 -- A crap cocker you say?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:31 -- YOU'RE A freakin crap COCKER
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:31 -- feel better?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:31 -- 3
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:31 -- 2
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:30 -- 1
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:30 -- Three deep breaths.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:30 -- Slow down and think about what your typing grim.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:30 -- what a fuckign moron
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:30 -- ROFL
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:30 -- An rpg game at the age of 43?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:29 -- I wont tell grim im actually playing an RPG game and just jumping back and forth and freakin with this child. Smile Just that easy.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:29 -- YOU freakin crap FUCKIGN WANK CUNTER
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:29 -- Watch your back damink
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:29 -- Yea he loosing it a bit. Quite funny.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:29 -- Piss off stevo
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:29 -- you must be winning
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:29 -- the fudge count is quiet high
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:28 -- you freakin idiot
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:28 -- no you're right, briefs wouldnt be appropriate, I think nappies would be a better term for what you're wearing atm
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:28 -- Do you carry a tissue in your pocked for when you have a runny nose?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:28 -- Breifs. Bwhahahahhahaha.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:27 -- Breifs lol. Ya must be a secretary. As no bloke calls his jocks breifs unless there a weak cunter.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:27 -- In serbia there arepeople to deal with you, called gangsters
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:27 -- So your idea of sex is fecephilliac acts, wow you're a sick freakin cavity
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:26 -- Its what grown up people do. Its called sex. I will make a thread for ya.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:26 -- Not surprising
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:26 -- And not inside your briefs you moron
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:26 -- time.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:26 -- I do all the timwe.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:26 -- Make sure you do it inside jenny's mouth this time
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:26 -- Or what yella fella?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:26 -- Ohhhhh like i said i have a crap coming on.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:26 -- you freakin idiot
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:26 -- but you'd better stop being a little pencil head
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:25 -- Not yet you dont
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:25 -- 4 serbs storming you with desert eagles would be quite a disadvantage if you didnt
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:25 -- Oh no steve. I have someone coming to get me Smile
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:25 -- Bwhahahahaha
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:25 -- I'd say it's advice to stock up on your guns right now fool
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:24 -- They should be here soon. I can feel a crap coming on.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:24 -- Say hello to my Serbian friends in Melbourne you little twat
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:23 -- Need to have thicker skin grim. Its just a bit of fun. Dont get all personal. This is why you loose flames all the time.
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:23 -- get a better brand of bullshit to tell
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:23 -- Damink
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:23 -- Im going to kill you
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:23 -- your a fuckin soak
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:23 -- lol
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:23 -- Yea killing yourself is a great way to get back at me.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:22 -- don't insult me or my race or family you prick, it's time for some revengeeeeeeeeeee
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:22 -- lol
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:22 -- Yea do it.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:22 -- THAT'S freakin IT
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:22 -- do it
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:22 -- Or are you too fuckin poor?
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:22 -- really you havent got the guts to kill your self
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:22 -- Stream it live. Can you afford the bandwidth
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:22 -- freakin crap SUCKING ISRAEL WANKER
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:21 -- Youre freakin crap wsankiung suffsd
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:21 -- Ok take some pics or run it on youtube can ya? Perhaps a FTW banner in the background.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:21 -- YOU freakin crap pencil SUCKER
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:21 -- im going to freakin kill myself you freakin wanker
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:21 -- You take it far too personal. Its your down fall.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:21 -- fudge it all now
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:21 -- fudge you
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:21 -- Ahhh your just a little pice of freakin crap
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:21 -- Just having a bit of a flame grim.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:20 -- Apparantly reading back your a wanker actually. Smile
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:20 -- stop being such an butthead
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:20 -- you're a wanker
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:20 -- I feel pitty for you.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:20 -- THIS freakin crap SUCKING pencil WANKING fudge SHITTER
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:20 -- Poor serb boy.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:19 -- IM GOING TO DESTOR Y9/11 pencil SUCKER
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:19 -- Poor serb boy.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:19 -- 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JEWISH JOB HAHAHHAA
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:19 -- Bwhashahhahaahhahahahahah
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:19 -- HEIL HITLER
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:19 -- GO AND GET EXTERMNINATED YOU KIKE
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:19 -- YOU freakin KIKE PIECE OF crap
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:19 -- BUT YOUR pencil IS SO freakin SMALL
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:19 -- YOUR NOSE IS SO freakin BIG
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:18 -- Rage butboy.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:18 -- IM freakin DESTROYING YOUI YOU KIKE freakin WANKER cavity
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:18 -- Thats inferior
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:18 -- We use people like you to test weapons on mate.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:18 -- YOU freakin crap freakin WANKER
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:18 -- Bwhahahahhahah your yellow trash.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:18 -- IM RACIALLY SUPERIOR
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:18 -- you keep hitting the keyboard sook?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:18 -- 345DSFN
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:18 -- YOU freakin crap freakin pencil SUCKING WANKR FDSG
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:18 -- Settle pettle. Perhaps take your caps off. Thats the Caps Lock button.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:17 -- GO AND DUST YOUR KNOB WITH SOME SPEED DAMINK
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:17 -- YOUR ALL A freakin SHTUITING cavity
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:17 -- Ofcourse you are pet.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:17 -- IM GOING TO DESTROY YOU DAMINK
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:17 -- I think he believes it yes stevo lol
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:17 -- YOU freakin ASS freakin SHITTIN PIECFE OF SHITFUFKCI9NG crap
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:17 -- you dont really mean that do you
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:17 -- settle yellow trash. When you get ragey we cant read your dribble.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:17 -- IM freakin INTELLECTUALLY SUPERIOR
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:16 -- IM FDSOFSDF
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:16 -- YOU LITTLE PIECES OF DSFDSSHIT
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:16 -- ILL freakin RIP YOUR KNOVS OFF
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:16 -- punch the table
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:16 -- YOURE ALL GONNA PAY FOR THIS FUCKIJNG crap
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:16 -- lol
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:16 -- your an angry fudge arnt you
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:16 -- IM GOINGSDFGFD
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:16 -- SHITTING COCKSZ ANF fudge YOU YOU freakin SHITTER PIOECE OF crap
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:16 -- Grim takes another loss in the shoutbox
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:16 -- RAGE!!
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:16 -- RAGE!!
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:16 -- lolol
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:16 -- IM GOING TO freakin SHITTING KILL freakin WANKER
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:16 -- lol. You know nothing my friend
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:15 -- YOU freakin SHUITTER
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:15 -- I HEARD HE GOT KNIVES HAHAHAHAH
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:15 -- HOWS YOURM freakin DAD DAMINK
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:15 -- Owned!!
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:15 -- YOUREA A LITTLE freakin cavity
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:15 -- Smile
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:15 -- lol RAGE!!!!!!!!
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:15 -- YOURE A BUNCH OF freakin WANKERS ILL FUCKI9NG SUCK ALL freakin KILL ALL OF YOU
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:15 -- Great spelling Yella Fella
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:15 -- you watching too much porn and wanking all the time
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:14 -- AND THEN NUKE freakin AUSTERA;IOA
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:14 -- IM GOING TO JIZZ OER STEVOS FACE
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:14 -- jizz all over ya keyboard mate
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:14 -- Sorry mate. We dont let your kind in without a toliet brush. I told you already.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:14 -- I WANT TO freakin KILL ALL OF AUISTTRALIA
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:13 -- IM GOING TO freakin JZIZZ ALL OVE THIS SHITTY FORUM
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:13 -- musicians punch on all the time?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:13 -- Im ashamed now grim.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:13 -- lol your mumma jokes.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:13 -- *too
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:12 -- I bet you're mum's freakin ugly oto
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:12 -- Big strong manly working hands on them guys. Always makin coffees and having to make phone calls etc.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:12 -- Yeah I've talked with people more important than you could ever dream of being
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:12 -- Oh a recording studio. Sorry yep there all tough men Smile
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:12 -- I feel a little pitty on you.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:12 -- at a recording studio
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:12 -- Wow your getting owned today grim.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:12 -- Im a receptionist you freakin idiot
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:11 -- Man
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:11 -- And then kick my boot up your ass until you bleed to death
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:11 -- bwhahahahahahha
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:11 -- do have many teeth?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:11 -- Most secretarys are hard men.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:11 -- If you say so. Secretary tough guy Smile
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:10 -- First knock you to the ground
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:10 -- Just playin with ya pet. Settly.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:10 -- I'd kill you if this were IRL
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:10 -- fudge off
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:10 -- Smile
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:10 -- Damink you're such a wanker
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:10 -- If ya say so.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:10 -- Cleaning feacies?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:09 -- My job is better than yoursa
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:08 -- Steal it from a bin?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:08 -- A poster. Wow how did you manage to get that?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:08 -- OWNEDDDD
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:08 -- No you freakin idiot, I have a subaru imperezza
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:07 -- Yea im proud bwhahahahahahah.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:06 -- My bike is worth more than your familys wealth lol.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:06 -- I bet you'd be even prouder that you're a hells angels pushout with a crap bike and a crap forum, dammie
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:04 -- Yep i would be real proud.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:04 -- Im proud to say me dad, grandfather and great grandfather all got raped and killed on this shitty yellow bit of ground.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:04 -- No, I hear the cries of dead croats with my sticky jizz down their throats
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:04 -- in serbia there laughing they fudged off all there scum
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:04 -- Pride in getting destroyed lol. Yea i would be proud too
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:03 -- perhaps because we have enough pride not to give away all our taxes to them for free when they do fudge all
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:03 -- Do you hear the cries of your dead ansestors when you walk on the shitty yellow ground?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:03 -- like britain and australia are
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:03 -- At least serbia isn't full of niggers and immigrants
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:02 -- Its the nugget of crap between the other 4
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:02 -- Lol imbosile coming from someone who can't spell the word THE IRONY
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:02 -- why dont you live there?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:02 -- lol
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:02 -- yes we have, google serbia, stevo
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:02 -- read below you imbosile
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:01 -- It's croatian, you freakin idiot, embarassing
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:01 -- you havent even got a country
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:01 -- I dont bother to spell it properly as there much like serbs. Not worth the effort.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:01 -- croation
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:01 -- What the fudge is a crow?
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:01 -- threaten mine cavity
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:01 -- And jizzed in their rectums
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:01 -- go get you country back
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:01 -- The whole area. Your all the same. serb, crow whatever
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:01 -- I should know since I stuck my pencil up their asses
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:00 -- Yeah man, these croats stink like crap
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 09:00 -- but your still in britain
» (del) DAMINK™ - 09:00 -- The horrible stench was the give away. Even years later. There still diggin the filthy yellow trash out of the ground. Even the ground dont want them Smile
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 09:00 -- Yep
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:59 -- Arent they still digging them up?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:59 -- Check out how many Bosniaks and Albanians and Croats got raped by US, spuddie
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:59 -- Yet you must talk about such things?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:59 -- Not quite
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:59 -- Serbs have been sex toys for the rest of the world for years.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:59 -- Lol I hate paedoes mate, thats why I hate damink and bummy
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:58 -- Dont be cut i am raping you currently. Damn you should be used to it.
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:58 -- your a sick little fudge too
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:58 -- So would everything you've done shithead
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:58 -- No CP crap thankyou.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:58 -- Now now boy. That would be in breach of the rules.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:58 -- Bummy naturally has disgusting taste
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:58 -- No wonder bummy loves jamming his pencil up zac's ass
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:57 -- He is more than you before he does anything.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:57 -- but zaco is something else
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:57 -- You think? Still he is white. Thats gotta hurt.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:57 -- I thought i'd seen it all with cuntract
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:57 -- Zac is such a freakin ugly sack of crap mate
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:57 -- We employ them instead. Not slaves. We give them some $ for cleaning our excretions.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:56 -- We used to just burn the serbs. Easiest. But now days with equal oportunity etc.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:56 -- ZACCCOOOOOOOOOOOO
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:56 -- Jackson was able to change his skin color so perhaps it may work with a serb? Dunna its a filthy color of yellow though.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:55 -- But good to see you are trying to break away from your yellow history mate.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:55 -- Inferior breed basically.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:55 -- Its normal to feel this way. Serbs have felt this way for generations.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:55 -- Im white and intellectually superior which are two things more than you have
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:54 -- Look at white folk and think. If only.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:54 -- Who cares about what i look like
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:54 -- Do ya feel insecure when you take your top off on a hot day?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:54 -- Im intellectually superior you dickwad
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:54 -- Pitty bout the yellow but hey?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:54 -- Good to hear. Your heritage is not freakin up your growth too much.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:53 -- You can see ok anyway? Is that what your saying.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:53 -- It doens't matter Kikie
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:53 -- Are your eyes round or slightly slotted like your forefathers?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:53 -- Drop the yellow crap you little prick, it's boring, you're a kike, I'd rather be bright blue than a freakin kike, kido
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:52 -- Apparantly not my yellow friend.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:52 -- You're sooooooo unbelievable damink
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:52 -- Pathetic serbs who beat you in your flaming competitions?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:52 -- There in lie the joke Smile
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:52 -- As do i. Thus i have pathetic serbs coming to my forum.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:52 -- And I love laughing at silly yids like you
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:52 -- I like a bit of a laugh every now and then
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:52 -- I find that mighty amusing.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:51 -- Yet you cant help but come here daily?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:51 -- You're the most ridiculous person on the internet, you're a laughing stock
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:51 -- You're a joke damo
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:51 -- I feel sorry for you damink, if you weren't such a brutal butthead then I'd probarbly be volunteering to popularize your forums for you out of pity, but
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:50 -- Rage harder yella fella
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:50 -- is that what your life is going to be... Forever?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:50 -- and then it's time for a bit of low quality sex with jenn
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:50 -- Ohhhh we got him raging bwhaahahahahahahha. A win again to DAMINK in the shoutbox.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:50 -- Apart from stevo cuntract and a couple of other mongrels
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:50 -- Looks to me like your the current joke here mate?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:50 -- And then running your shitty forums in your little spare time which nobody ever posts on
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:49 -- you're a freakin joke, damink, a joke
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:49 -- So at least im actually happy, do you really think you're happydoing tattooes and printing crap youer whole life
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:49 -- i was gunna wonder off but it would amuse me to ban you
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:49 -- What a freakin fool
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:49 -- Stevo is turning into an internet tough guy lol
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:49 -- Serbs cant make anything. Fact. Damn even there kids come out well..... look at you!
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:48 -- ill turn you to be a cavity
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:48 -- Im gonna cut your head off with a rusty sword damink
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:48 -- I'll make her
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:48 -- or what ?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:48 -- Well one of your folks anyway.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:48 -- Jenny will have to clean it
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:48 -- Dont crap or your dad will have to clean it.
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:48 -- houll have do atleast 20
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:48 -- STEVO leave out of this crap or ill freakin crap
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:47 -- get on the news
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:47 -- go outside and shoot a few people cockhead
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:47 -- OH Fuckedy fudge fudge Smile
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:47 -- Wanna stop pollish.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:47 -- I WILL KILL YOUR freakin FACE DAMINK IF YOU DONT freakin BE freakin crap
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:47 -- Is it pricey?
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:47 -- no barded wired wire
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:47 -- FTW Yea!!
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:47 -- im gonna kill the whole freakin world
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:47 -- fudge the world
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:46 -- Now now. Yellow trash. Chill mate. I hold no grudge like i said. Your trash but thats ok with me.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:46 -- all I can say is just watch the teeth damink or im gonna freakin knock them out
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:46 -- Hey steve. You got any barbed wire?
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:45 -- finished?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:45 -- you're a freakin little wanker
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:45 -- Ofcourse you are. Just like Kosovo lolol
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:45 -- im going to fuckign destroy and nfsd89fgsdg all of freakin australia
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:44 -- Unless they come with a toliet brush
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:44 -- Mate your kind could not even get into the country. We have rules. No yellow trash.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:44 -- go fudge nails damink
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:44 -- fudge the whole freakin world
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:44 -- im gonna freakin kill everyone
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:44 -- IM going to freakin destroy all of australia
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:44 -- Smile
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:43 -- You honkie
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:43 -- Suck my slavic dick damink
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:43 -- Dont fear us White folk grim. You can clean my crap. I will harbor no resentment that your a filthy yellow serb.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:43 -- Ive got family in Australia wanker
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:43 -- Im going to freakin kill you you jew
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:43 -- thats not what you said the otherday
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:43 -- DDamink you're a freakin dick head
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:42 -- No stevo
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:42 -- My gang colors are white. You may know us. We occupy the modern world. Not like you ya yellow dog.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:42 -- even the hells angels rejected you, nigga where are your gang colors
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:42 -- a secretary do you suck pencil?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:42 -- Do they make you wear a berker backwards to hide your skin color grim?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:41 -- you freakin wanker
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:41 -- But you're just a herbert wannabe hells angel
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:41 -- Hilarious.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:41 -- Im a top criminal. And the previous statement. Im a secretary lolol a bloke secretary Smile
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:41 -- im scared now
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:41 -- Im a top criminal, serbian gangs always kill people where I live Smile
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:40 -- you top criminal
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:40 -- I believe his family heritage related back to gooks and therefor even the filthy serbs did not what them.
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:40 -- you couldnt afford to go anywhere any way
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:40 -- No you freakin wanker, I work as a receptionist
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:40 -- His home land rejected him i heard.
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:40 -- i suggest you stay in britain then
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:40 -- So unemployment benefits for you then scab?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:39 -- Because Im white
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:39 -- *dangle
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:39 -- Because im racially superior you freakin twat dange
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:39 -- Your a stinkin serb though. Why are you not at work cleaning someones crap?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:39 -- Nope, all the serbs in britain are the best gangsters stevo
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:38 -- then you're at least somewhat british descended
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:38 -- and youll end up getting your arse fudged in jail with no teeth
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:38 -- Yea i paid the extra money to come in white.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:38 -- and have a pc
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:38 -- if you're white
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:38 -- LOL you freakin Yoda
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:38 -- Wow you need to learn geography grim
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:38 -- But i decent from Aboriginals?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:38 -- Lol and I rape Australian women, oops I accidentally called you australian, nope, you're british, since everyone in australia is desceneded from them
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:37 -- they have there wog wars here at times
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:37 -- why dont they like crows?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:37 -- They clean toilets and such.
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:37 -- Sure have. We have them here in Australia. We call them cleaners
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:37 -- You British wanker
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:36 -- Lol you've obviously never met a serb damo
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:36 -- couldnt care less
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:36 -- could give a fudge how many of them died
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:36 -- We got bored of killing all the worthless serbs
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:36 -- You killed 100,000 of your own people in the holocaust
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:35 -- And serbs are all just half cast asians
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:35 -- i hardly ever have to even be near them here
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:35 -- How can you possibly not be ashamed of being a filthy yid, damo
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:35 -- yeah
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:35 -- Damink just admit it
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:35 -- Yea us Aussies are all Jews.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:35 -- You are a jew
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:35 -- Today. Not sure have not watched todays news Smile
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:35 -- i never been called a jew b4
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:35 -- How many economies have you destroyed today, damo?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:34 -- Thats what i am going to call you. Yella fella
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:34 -- you jewish cunts
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:34 -- Yella Fella.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:34 -- are both yids
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:34 -- and dammette
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:34 -- stevo
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:34 -- I am white you freakin idiot IM WAY MORE WHITE THAN YOU
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:34 -- jew ???????????haha im not a jew
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:34 -- I bet you can smell your own breath with such a huge nose, you freakin yid, that's not a pleasent thought
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:33 -- Now now. Dont be upset by your skin color. We cant all be white.
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:33 -- You're a freakin jew
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:33 -- fudge off you kike
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:33 -- Yes we saw it. You look yellow to me?
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:33 -- Didn't you see my freakin picture i had in my av a few days ago
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:33 -- bullshit artist
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:33 -- Sorry grim. Dont blame me. Blame your parents?
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:32 -- greasy wog perhaps
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:32 -- fudge you damink im afro carribean
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:32 -- morning
» (del) LongLiveIsrael - 08:32 -- Yeah Im black stevo and hi damink
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:32 -- He is a Serb. So he is yellow Smile
» (del) stevehatestheworld - 08:32 -- you black?
» (del) DAMINK™ - 08:32 -- Mornin FTW!
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Xactlysin TM
I don't get this thread Confused, better title is key Thumbsup
[Image: pughacking.png]
This is a link to my friends thread on HF who goes by the name c0ntr0lpunk.
Im surprised it wasnt a link to some porn sites... Big Grin
hookah pip

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