04-27-2006, 07:56 AM
To be honest I have very
little experience with horses we work on small animals at our hospital. I've been bitten and scratched in my many years at work, kicked by a horse I'm
glad to say I haven't been!! We also do some wildlife rescue work for the local lake metro-parks rehab center, eg. bald eagles, hawks, owls, etc. We do
have many horse loving people around however. One of our relief vets owns two horses. And quite a few clients own them as well.
Animals Rule!
little experience with horses we work on small animals at our hospital. I've been bitten and scratched in my many years at work, kicked by a horse I'm
glad to say I haven't been!! We also do some wildlife rescue work for the local lake metro-parks rehab center, eg. bald eagles, hawks, owls, etc. We do
have many horse loving people around however. One of our relief vets owns two horses. And quite a few clients own them as well.
Animals Rule!