03-23-2006, 05:30 PM
I don't normally get a
chance to get bored but with my wife and bay-bees overseas visiting her mom for a couple of months, I've found out what it's like. When I'm bored, I like
to read or surf the 'net. I have a blog that keeps me kind of busy and I'm taking up a couple of new hobbies. One of them is geocaching. I have a friend
who's going to take me out and teach me the ropes but we can't seem to both come up with a free weekend at the same time.
chance to get bored but with my wife and bay-bees overseas visiting her mom for a couple of months, I've found out what it's like. When I'm bored, I like
to read or surf the 'net. I have a blog that keeps me kind of busy and I'm taking up a couple of new hobbies. One of them is geocaching. I have a friend
who's going to take me out and teach me the ropes but we can't seem to both come up with a free weekend at the same time.