07-01-2010, 09:36 AM
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In this picture, is my tv for watching tv. It is also connected to my xbox 360. Above my xbox 360 is my secondary monitor connected to my laptop. Also I use that tv as the speakers for my laptop. You also get a glimpse of my sidewinder x8 wireless mouse.
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Here you can see my laptop, with the lifecam on top of it. In the back there is my router. All those cords are different things, one to my camera, one to my external HD, another to my mouse and I unplug one of them to plug in my easy cap. Also you can see my life chat headset.
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Here is my 1 TB external HD, contains most of my games, anime and ect. Also contains a few linux distros.
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This has my stereo (Connected to large TV), DVD player, cassete player and radio.
I sound like Morgan Freeman