well jee, its not been my runescape name since 2004, and xbox live in 2005. these posts have been made in 2010... I even used this name before while playing the game "State of Emergency" for the Ps2... It is the most RANDOM name ever and for someone to think of the same thing as i did, WHEN I WAS 10! is insane.
also, my Youtube name is "therealhippypancake" created in 2007 summer, when my father saw someone with a name "Hippiepancake" on Xboxlive he yelled "Who in the hell coppied you???" because my father was there when i first made this name. i do have the proof to provide i am the first hippypancake, ya know...like the credit card used for the payments for "Hippypancake" 's runescape membership, created in 2004 (WAY before this guy was posting stuff giving me spam mail) the same credit card is used for xbox live membership for "Hippypancake" and worldofwarcraft where a few of my people are "Hippypancake" "Hipypancake" and all other possible variations...THIS is my name, my trademark, my legacy. theres no way someone else thought of this name...it was me using Hippy95 and Pancake 95 on State of Emergency then a friend of mine thought it was funny and used Hippy94...so i used Hippypancake...combination of them...
(06-19-2010, 10:20 PM)Tonjud Wrote: well jee, its not been my runescape name since 2004, and xbox live in 2005. these posts have been made in 2010... I even used this name before while playing the game "State of Emergency" for the Ps2... It is the most RANDOM name ever and for someone to think of the same thing as i did, WHEN I WAS 10! is insane.
also, my Youtube name is "therealhippypancake" created in 2007 summer, when my father saw someone with a name "Hippiepancake" on Xboxlive he yelled "Who in the hell coppied you???" because my father was there when i first made this name. i do have the proof to provide i am the first hippypancake, ya know...like the credit card used for the payments for "Hippypancake" 's runescape membership, created in 2004 (WAY before this guy was posting stuff giving me spam mail) the same credit card is used for xbox live membership for "Hippypancake" and worldofwarcraft where a few of my people are "Hippypancake" "Hipypancake" and all other possible variations...THIS is my name, my trademark, my legacy. theres no way someone else thought of this name...it was me using Hippy95 and Pancake 95 on State of Emergency then a friend of mine thought it was funny and used Hippy94...so i used Hippypancake...combination of them...