05-20-2010, 01:25 AM
I don't think just grabbing a board and playing around with it will help you at all. That's been my strategy for the last two years and I haven't learn much of anything. If something breaks I still have to rely on someone else to solve it for me, and that's even the simple stuff that I SHOULD know on my own but don't know because I never learned PHP. I'm the kind of person that I have to be TAUGHT one on one complex things. If it's simple like how to use a shredder, yeah just give me an instructional video and I'm good. If it's an entire programming language a book will put me to sleep (no kidding, it's a huge problem). I need an actual teacher, it's how I learn and there's not much i can really do about that. That's unfortunate, and costly (which is why I haven't done it yet), but it's the way I have to learn.
My best advice to you is this:
Learn PHP, play around with it, heck, use your mybb board to practice with it. But the first thing you need to do is learn PHP, there's simply nothing else you can really do other than that which is going to benefit you. After you've learned PHP enough to be comfortable with it you should already have a semi-firm grasp on how the boards work, and from that you'll also have a semi-firm grasp on how SQL works. I would still go back and learn how SQL works though, even if you know a little bit.
Once you've gotten all that down real well you can start working with other things like javascript and perhaps using API's from other sites and developing plugins and themes for your site or other sites.
That's the best advice to give...and to be honest it's advice I need to take as well.
My best advice to you is this:
Learn PHP, play around with it, heck, use your mybb board to practice with it. But the first thing you need to do is learn PHP, there's simply nothing else you can really do other than that which is going to benefit you. After you've learned PHP enough to be comfortable with it you should already have a semi-firm grasp on how the boards work, and from that you'll also have a semi-firm grasp on how SQL works. I would still go back and learn how SQL works though, even if you know a little bit.
Once you've gotten all that down real well you can start working with other things like javascript and perhaps using API's from other sites and developing plugins and themes for your site or other sites.
That's the best advice to give...and to be honest it's advice I need to take as well.
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