As far as I know, any game utilizing OpenGL will run on any platform that supports OpenGL natively...Linux, UNIX/OSX, etc. The games you can't so easily play without something like WINE are the ones using DirectX.
Because Runescape was made in Java! Just about anything made in Java will run on anything platform that supports Java...and most do.
It all comes down to Linux in general, different distributions don't play any games others can't.
(04-09-2010, 08:24 AM)hockeynut35 Wrote: I've played runescape on a linux before.
Because Runescape was made in Java! Just about anything made in Java will run on anything platform that supports Java...and most do.
(04-09-2010, 03:59 PM)41Shots Wrote: saybayon i believe has a gaming distro.
It all comes down to Linux in general, different distributions don't play any games others can't.
<Aoi-chan> everyone's first vi session. ^C^C^X^X^X^XquitqQ!qdammit[esc]qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;:xwhat