The whole point of it being encrypted is so that you can't just look in the database and decrypt it. This is how it's encrypted.
$salt = 8 random characters.
$hashed_salt = md5($salt)
$hashed_pass = md5($plaintext_password)
So now you have two md5 hashes.
Joins those together, so a 64 character hash, and then md5s that, and stores that in the password field.
So it's this:
$pass = md5(md5($salt).md5($plaintext_password))
Good luck trying to find the plaintext password with that password string and the salt. You'll need one hell of a rainbow table. If it needs resetting, apart from using the ACP, you can leave the salt blank and put a standard md5 into the password field, say the md5 of test, then login with test.
$salt = 8 random characters.
$hashed_salt = md5($salt)
$hashed_pass = md5($plaintext_password)
So now you have two md5 hashes.
Joins those together, so a 64 character hash, and then md5s that, and stores that in the password field.
So it's this:
$pass = md5(md5($salt).md5($plaintext_password))
Good luck trying to find the plaintext password with that password string and the salt. You'll need one hell of a rainbow table. If it needs resetting, apart from using the ACP, you can leave the salt blank and put a standard md5 into the password field, say the md5 of test, then login with test.
MyBB Support Team Lead