Aliens are way cooler than demons Now for real - as far as i know this thing is very old - people have been seeing those things like since forever... there is a legend about some thing (forgot the name) that women in African villages sometimes see on their chest while they are sleeping. I mean they wake up and it's there and they can't move. They put bricks wrapped in newspapers on the 4 corners of the bed, believing that will stop the thing from coming. And that legend is much older than Hollywood, movies and stuff... so I guess people started seeing their nightmares in a different way - first it was demons, now its aliens. Im more inclined to believe in the existence of parallel worlds and that people sometimes take a glimpse in the room next to theirs, so to say, and that freaks them out. And to the guys who see the scary things - i think this is your guardian - so the scarier it is the better for you. And IDK if i should share that thing here but oh well... since in that topic there are peeps with similar experiences why not. So... some time ago I was very very interested in the occult - i was reading books on the topic all the time, sites, etc. I was kinda addicted to that thing and nothing else interested me. So one day I read in a site about gazing balls and how they could develop yur astral vision.. and yes.. i bought a little transparent gazing ball. I know its girlish but i couldn't resist. So i sit there, gazing in the thing, waiting to see something more than reflections.. and then in the ball a figure started to took shape - it was like looking in an abstract picture, trying to destinguish shapes. So the figure was just next to me, gazing in the ball along with me... it looked shorter than me, hunchbacked, with shabby beije clothes and a hood. It was staring in the ball with excactly the same interest as i did. I was shocked (can't find a better word) and I might had shouted, i don't remember. Than it started to feel funny cuz I felt the thing was as much interested in the ball as I was, and i had the feeling it's been next to me all the time - i just discovered its existence. I didn't feel it to be terrified as I was - it was just standing there. Maybe everyone has one of those things idk... and maybe some people who are more sensitive start to feel them and get paranoid that they are being followed and stuff.
Verum quaere et insaniam inveni