11-29-2009, 02:15 AM
People thing that what I did I always did. They make immitation HF or Mybb Central sites every week now. I didn't charge for subscriptions on either site until they were established as viable sites with a reputation. You should never start a site and ask people to pay to be part of it until it's something they "must-have".
I haven't seen your work but it sounds like you're coming from a place with little to zero experience. Spend a year making themes and offering support at MyBBoard.net then consider if you want to begin commercial work.
I haven't seen your work but it sounds like you're coming from a place with little to zero experience. Spend a year making themes and offering support at MyBBoard.net then consider if you want to begin commercial work.
I am here to rescue you.
This is Support Forums not Support PMs. Do not PM me for support unless it's private and site related.
This is Support Forums not Support PMs. Do not PM me for support unless it's private and site related.