06-30-2013, 10:49 AM
in all honesty...speaking of obsessions, it seems that you might have something of an obsession with Q, and too much is riding on her opinion of you. why would a "what would you rather do" game climax at a competition between you and B? is this topic the object of your obsession?
also, you will find in time, that there is nothing you can do to help a person. people in most cases have to learn for themselves. if they're not in the same mind set or motivation as you are, any advice you give them will fall on deaf ears. try to think of a situation where you've learned from your mistakes and then someone says to you "i told you so!" You'll probably be feeling like...so what if you told me so, i wasn't in a place to make that change at that time, and you don't understand me at all!
i would focus on yourself, and be happy with what you have. your intelligence, your good looks, talent, what have you. the more you develop as an individual, the happier you will be. if you're a good, intelligent person, which i can tell that you are, then no outside forces should have that kind of power over you...to make you feel worthless and overshadowed. what do the actions and preferences of other people outside of you have to do with your worth? nothing.
in all honesty...speaking of obsessions, it seems that you might have something of an obsession with Q, and too much is riding on her opinion of you. why would a "what would you rather do" game climax at a competition between you and B? is this topic the object of your obsession?
also, you will find in time, that there is nothing you can do to help a person. people in most cases have to learn for themselves. if they're not in the same mind set or motivation as you are, any advice you give them will fall on deaf ears. try to think of a situation where you've learned from your mistakes and then someone says to you "i told you so!" You'll probably be feeling like...so what if you told me so, i wasn't in a place to make that change at that time, and you don't understand me at all!
i would focus on yourself, and be happy with what you have. your intelligence, your good looks, talent, what have you. the more you develop as an individual, the happier you will be. if you're a good, intelligent person, which i can tell that you are, then no outside forces should have that kind of power over you...to make you feel worthless and overshadowed. what do the actions and preferences of other people outside of you have to do with your worth? nothing.