05-31-2012, 07:49 AM
Quote:I know you are Paradoxum. I meant to say, we had HJT team on both forums.
And I am here, telling you it was discontinued.
Quote:No, there are many members who come directly from google/Mybb/central for help here, I've seen a lot of members specially in Emotional Support Section. But it is true that majority of members are from HF.
Could you point them out?
Quote:Trust me, it is possible.
I do not think so, since previous experiences tell otherwise.
Quote:We can have a smaller team on SF as compared to HF if needed.
I'll tell you what we can have -- just two people to handle the logs here. No training. Your concern was infected users and those who come here to get help.
Quote:I agree, HJT section should be private and kept limited to users in group.
All your hard work shouldn't be wasted. There should be strict policies for posting logs as you said members didn't take interest.
I had interested trainees and they are now graduates. There are also a lot of other interested trainees in the other forum. That would be unfair and counterproductive, considering the new system.
Quote:Thanks for replying Quintus but can you tell us are you going to start training on SF?
Not anymore unless I get orders.