05-29-2012, 10:25 PM
Nickname / Alias: Deity/Deityicious/Deus
Webmaster knowledge (Starter/Amateur/Advanced/Guru): Advanced/Guru
Websites you moderated(ing): None. I just freelance basically, and do them in localhost.
Why you want to join: I know HTML, CSS and PHP.
I seriously have made a lot of things. I have owned a game private server, I have handled a few websites that are not working domains anymore, but none the less, I have been doing this for a while, and I have created a file uploading script, a drag and drop, a register, login and upgrade system. Although it was 7.5/10 perfect, what do you expect! : )
Webmaster knowledge (Starter/Amateur/Advanced/Guru): Advanced/Guru
Websites you moderated(ing): None. I just freelance basically, and do them in localhost.
Why you want to join: I know HTML, CSS and PHP.
I seriously have made a lot of things. I have owned a game private server, I have handled a few websites that are not working domains anymore, but none the less, I have been doing this for a while, and I have created a file uploading script, a drag and drop, a register, login and upgrade system. Although it was 7.5/10 perfect, what do you expect! : )