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Out of time. :/ Need to pick a university.
Recently I've been being pressured a lot on deciding what I'm going to do when I graduate. I really have NO idea. I flip-flop between math, computer science, politics and business/accounting on a regular, nearly daily, basis. I'm also looking for a fast-paced job that involves meeting new people everyday and makes somewhere in the realm of $150,000+ a year and has room for promotions and the plausibility of starting your own business without requiring several million dollars in capital.

So what do I do? I need to pick a university soon and time is running out. Every time I visit a university website it either completely turns me off from the field or attracts me to join it completely. There's no middle ground. :/

TL;DR: I don't know what university to pick because I on't know what I want to go in to. ><

Oh, and taking a break, or a victory lap is not an option.

Messages In This Thread
Out of time. :/ Need to pick a university. - by Valderino - 02-23-2012, 07:26 PM

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