Well, I use AA Logo Creator to get the basic feel of how it would look, then I transfer it to Photoshop and in there I fine tune it, modify it, add stuff and effects and similar.
I'm not a pro at PS, but I have a good knowledge about the program and I use it frequently.
Logo book, honestly I don't know what that is.
EDIT: This is what I done quite fast few months ago, I was bored at school and I made a sketch of a logo on paper, and then I transferred it to Photoshop (not sure if you can see it, it's a facebook photo)
I'm not a pro at PS, but I have a good knowledge about the program and I use it frequently.
Logo book, honestly I don't know what that is.
EDIT: This is what I done quite fast few months ago, I was bored at school and I made a sketch of a logo on paper, and then I transferred it to Photoshop (not sure if you can see it, it's a facebook photo)