My friend gave me the advice to "ignore her/not texting her" for days. He told that he once did that, and it helped. She just poked me 6 times an hour ago.
- Methanity
Update: My friend, Jacob, accidentally told her that I got a blowjob from another girl 2 months ago. I don't know if that's the reason she would be mad at me, but I don't see why she would be that. I mean, she laughed when he told her and shouted "This can't be true, Alex don't have a dick!"
I got my doubts, maybe she's hiding it with a smile.
- Methantiy
- Methanity
Update: My friend, Jacob, accidentally told her that I got a blowjob from another girl 2 months ago. I don't know if that's the reason she would be mad at me, but I don't see why she would be that. I mean, she laughed when he told her and shouted "This can't be true, Alex don't have a dick!"
I got my doubts, maybe she's hiding it with a smile.
- Methantiy