(01-20-2012, 05:50 PM)AceInfinity Wrote:Quote:Baseball requires incredible amounts of talent in comparison to football.
You can't compare sports like that though. You're essentially doing the same thing NekoChan is doing by saying this.
Baseball requires no extra amount of skill in comparison to football. It's still a complex sport and requires a certain amount of agility and strength. Passes can happen in a split second with the power that some players can throw the ball and interceptions can happen just as fast. If in comparison, I would say it requires a little more accuracy than baseball, throwing to a pitcher is just as fast, but in baseball you don't have to deal with interceptions.
To sum things up, to each their own.
The majority of baseball positions require much more talent/skill than football. That is a fact. Being a quarterback or wide receiver is amazingly difficult, but that is only two positions. The whole line in football requires minimal skill. Anybody who is fit, huge, and can spend a day or two on proper tackling form can be a linebacker. If you're big and you play baseball...that doesn't make you immediately good at hitting. It takes much longer to learn the techniques in baseball than in football when it comes to that. You'd have to have played both sports to understand.