01-20-2012, 03:17 PM
First thing:
How do you expect those directories or that file to exist when you don't make a check and create any directory like that?
Also hardcoding "C:\" into the script is always a bad idea.
This is also a string input so you should be using double quotes around them. Otherwise you've got way too many choices in here in if statements that don't need to exist, and it's calling to a location that will probably never exist on someone else's computer anyway.
set loc="C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Hackopz\save.bat"
set loca="C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Hackopz\"
if exist %loca% goto intro
CD "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Hackopz\"
How do you expect those directories or that file to exist when you don't make a check and create any directory like that?
Also hardcoding "C:\" into the script is always a bad idea.
if %do%==2 goto begin
This is also a string input so you should be using double quotes around them. Otherwise you've got way too many choices in here in if statements that don't need to exist, and it's calling to a location that will probably never exist on someone else's computer anyway.