11-01-2009, 01:28 PM
(11-01-2009, 01:13 PM)PaNiK Wrote: What dlls did you change, and for what purpose?
OK, I wanted a theme for Windows 7, this one: http://tornado5.deviantart.com/art/Ambient-111330562
So I needed to patch uxtheme.dll, so I download the patch, but it gave me a error saying it only worked for SP3 (XP) So I looked for a 7 one, and found this. http://www.blogsdna.com/2231/how-to-patc...-style.htm
I followed the guide exactly, err, almost, They said the download had these .dll files.
However it didn't have the last one, but instead, another themesomething one. So I followed the guide exactly, but with the different .dll.
Then I reboted, and got my errors, I get lots of them when I log in, saying some .dll is missing (Not any of the above) And things can load, taskmanager, explorer, and a few others.