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Another fookin arguement
Yet again for no reason an argument has started with me & my mum, 1st of all as stupid as it may sound she asked me to pick the dogs crap up from outside, so i said yea and noticed how long the grass was and there was no way of doing it, unless i peeled every piece of grass back. So i said ''it cant be done with the grass that long'' then she started sying and sayin i never do anything. Yet im looking for job, sorting insurance out, ive got personal things on my mind also which doesnt help, and she just says things that make me mad and she knows it does, but still she continues to do it. I get really depressed over things like this and i know it doesnt do to dwell on these things, but its the way i am. I just feel like my life is basically a dead end, nothings getting better.

Messages In This Thread
Another fookin arguement - by INC3PT!0N™ - 06-14-2011, 09:37 AM
RE: Another fookin arguement - by iCrack - 06-14-2011, 10:02 AM
RE: Another fookin arguement - by Frowneyface - 06-15-2011, 03:38 PM

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