06-08-2011, 01:57 PM
Lock your room door so no-one bothers you. Put the main light off but leave just a faded lamp at your desk, just enough so it's dark but you can still see your work. Put on some music, not loud bumpy pop music. Quiet, pleasant music such as the music from Braveheart. This is a good calm surrounding which will keep you focused and motivated. If your studying 3 hours a day, use up most of the time, perhaps 2 hours focusing on what you find the most difficult to take in, taking several breaks in between. Then use the remaining time to go over what you are most confident in. Would also be a good idea to drink plenty of water or even an energy drink to keep you on your toes. There will be plenty of better ideas I'm sure, but this is just something that has worked for me, worth a try anyway