(08-20-2010, 04:13 PM)Taniel Wrote: I loved all three systems. Unfortunately, all my Xbox 360 games were stolen then my brother sold the system. My Nintendo Wii was stolen. I'm NOT letting my PS3 get stolen.
You had all that stuff stolen? Where do you live, in Compton? Better put your PS3 in a safe in a bank somewhere.
I Think PS3 has better graphics but, I hate Sony they should fix their own mistakes not make customers pay for them (PSP rocks though). Xbox 360 is my fav good graphics, great games, great online play, yea you have to pay for it but, it isn't much and it's worth it (Even though I have to pay for online I can buy an Xbox 360 pay for 3 years of online gaming and it's still cheaper than a PS3.) I love WII too, it's really fun to play with others plus I love homebrew.
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