You sir are a rarity amongst the multitude. I am sympathetically obligated to share my experiences with this beautiful yet superficially atrocious process. Most people who experience low self-esteem are generally unable to function either emotionally, physically, spiritually, generating a normal state of homeostasis. Most cases this is due to severe trauma, but can be borne through many other abnormalities (abnormalities in family life these days is rapidly becoming a consistency), but generally what the person needs is a dedicated, perpetually-loving friend or any one-on-one relationship. Assuming that the person is a lazy fudge, you need to burn them hard. Flame them all to hell and back; but the toughest part is differentiating between indolence and sincerity of issue.
BTW, whats up S0rath?
BTW, whats up S0rath?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
.::The Rights of Man::.