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PIC projects! C and Assembler
PIC Projects!

Hi all,

These projects are designed on the PICKit2 programmer. They are for the PIC16F690 MCU.

Simple Hello World! -Assembler

list    p=16f690
    radix    dec
    include    ""        

;Beginning of program
    org    0x00
    bsf    STATUS, RP0     ;bank 1        
    bcf    TRISC,0    ;GP4 output        
    movlw   b'00001011' ;bit3=1=WDT  011=/8 WDT=18mSx8=0.144Sec
        movwf   OPTION_REG         ;must be in bank 1
        bcf    STATUS, 0    ;bank 0    
        movlw    b'00010000'    ;to toggle GP4
    xorwf    PORTC,4

Blinking LED: - Assembler

#include <>
     errorlevel -302
       cblock  0x20
    d1      ; Define three file registers for the
    d2      ; delay loop

     org 0
     bsf     STATUS,RP0       ; select Register Page 1
     bcf     TRISC,0          ; make IO Pin C0 an output
     bcf     STATUS,RP0       ; back to Register Page 0
     bsf     PORTC,0          ; turn on LED C0
     call    Delay            ; delay so you can see the LED is on
     bcf     PORTC,0          ; turns off LED C0
     call    Delay            ; delay so Led will be off so you can see it blink
     goto    Start           ; wait here

            ;499994 cycles
    movlw    0x03
    movwf    d1
    movlw    0x18
    movwf    d2
    movlw    0x02
    movwf    d3
    decfsz    d1, f
    goto    $+2
    decfsz    d2, f
    goto    $+2
    decfsz    d3, f
    goto    Delay_0

            ;2 cycles
    goto    $+1

            ;4 cycles (including call)


The Happy birthday tune for a PIC! output pins are: RA4, PWR -Assembler

;HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUNE                          *
;  11-5-2010                                  *
;                                             *

    #include <>
       __config (_INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF &      _MCLRE_OFF &      _CP_OFF & _BOR_OFF & _IESO_OFF & _FCMEN_OFF)

;       Configuration Bits

note    equ    21h    ;value of HIGH and LOW for note
gap    equ    22h     ;gap between notes - uses "gap_1" delay
loops    equ    23h     ;loops of HIGH/LOW
temp1    equ    24h     ;temp file for note
jump    equ    25h
D1    equ    26h    ;used in 250mS delay
D2    equ    27h    ;used in 250mS delay
D3    equ    28h    ;used in 250mS delay
gapDela    equ    29h    ;used in gap delay
tempA    equ    2Ah    ;used in gap delay

;Beginning of program
org    0x00
SetUp    bsf    STATUS, RP0     ;Bank 1        
           movlw    b'00001011'    ;Set TRIS  
    movwf    TRISA           ;RA4,4 outputs            
    bcf    STATUS, RP0    ;bank 0        
    movlw   07h             ;turn off Comparator
                  ;must be placed in bank 0
        clrf    jump        ;jump value for table        
    goto     M1        

;* Delays             *
    ;gap_1 produces gap between notes - 3rd byte in table
gap_1    movlw    .2
    movwf    gapDela
gap_1a    decfsz    tempA
    goto    gap_1a
    decfsz    gapDela,1 ;produces loops
    goto    gap_1a
    decfsz    gap,1    ;
    goto    gap_1
    retlw    00    

    ;250mS second delay
_250mS    nop
    goto    $+1        
    decfsz     D1,1
    goto     _250mS
    decfsz     D2,1
    goto     _250mS        
    retlw     00    

;* Table            *

table1    addwf   PCL,f   ;02h,1  add W to program counter
    nop        ;
    retlw   .100    ;loops - cycles of HIGH/LOW "G" -Hap
    retlw   .142     ;note - value of HIGH/LOW
        retlw   .50     ;gap between notes            
        retlw   .100    ;"G"-py
        retlw   .142
        retlw   .50        
        retlw   .220    ;"A"  birth
        retlw   .126
        retlw   .50                
        retlw   .200    ;"G"   day
        retlw   .142
        retlw   .50      
        retlw   .240    ;"C"   to
        retlw   .105    
        retlw   .50        
        retlw   .240    ;"B"   you
        retlw   .113
        retlw   .240        
    retlw   .97     ; "G" -Hap
    retlw   .142    
        retlw   .20              
        retlw   .97    ;"G"-py
        retlw   .142
        retlw   .20      
         retlw   .220    ;"A"  birth
        retlw   .126
        retlw   .20                
        retlw   .200    ;"G"   day
        retlw   .142
        retlw   .20        
        retlw   .240    ;"D"  to
        retlw   .94    
        retlw   .20        
        retlw   .240    ;"C"  you
        retlw   .105    
        retlw   .240        
        retlw   .97     ; "G"   -Hap
    retlw   .142    
        retlw   .20              
        retlw   .97    ;"G"  -py
        retlw   .142
        retlw   .20        
        retlw   .240    ;"G+"- BIRTH
        retlw   .71
        retlw   .1  
        retlw   .240    ;"G+"- BIRTH
        retlw   .71
        retlw   .20          
        retlw   .240    ;"E" -day
        retlw   .84
        retlw   .20          
        retlw   .240    ;"C"  
        retlw   .105    
        retlw   .20        
        retlw   .240    ;"B"
        retlw   .113
        retlw   .20
        retlw   .220    ;"A"  
        retlw   .126
        retlw   .240
        retlw   .240    ;"F"  
        retlw   .80
        retlw   .2
        retlw   .240    ;"F"  
        retlw   .80
        retlw   .2
        retlw   .240    ;"E"
        retlw   .84
        retlw   .2          
        retlw   .240    ;"C"  
        retlw   .105    
        retlw   .2        
        retlw   .240    ;"D"  
        retlw   .94    
        retlw   .2
        retlw   .240    ;"C"  
        retlw   .105    
        retlw   .2
    retlw   0FFh

M1    call    _250mS
    call    _250mS
Main    incf    jump,1  ;increment pointer
    movf    jump,w        
    call    table1
    movwf    loops    ;first value from table    
    movlw    0ffh
    xorwf    loops,w    ;see if value is "0ffh"
    btfsc    STATUS,Z
    goto    SetUp            
    incf    jump,1
    movf    jump,w
    call    table1
    movwf    temp1    ;temp for note for HIGH/LOW
tune    movf    temp1,w
    movwf    note        
    bsf    PORTA,3
    bcf    PORTA,4
    goto    $+1
    goto    $+1
    goto    $+1
    decfsz    note,1
    goto    $-4        
    movf    temp1,w
    movwf    note        
    bcf    PORTA,3
    bsf    PORTA,4
    goto    $+1
    goto    $+1
    goto    $+1
    decfsz    note,1
    goto    $-4
    decfsz    loops,f
    goto    tune
    incf    jump,1 ;look for gap value
    movf    jump,w            
    call    table1
    movwf    gap
    bcf    PORTA,3    ;to produce silence
    bcf    PORTA,4    ;to produce silence
    call    gap_1    ;mS gap
    goto    Main

Multi action LED sequencer! - C code

//include file
#include <pic.h>


#define PORTBIT(adr, bit)    ((unsigned)(&adr)*8+(bit))

static bit LED0 @ PORTBIT(PORTC, 0);
static bit LED1 @ PORTBIT(PORTC, 1);
static bit LED2 @ PORTBIT(PORTC, 2 );

unsigned int i;        //for loop pause
unsigned int c;        //for loop event loop

//pause functions
void pause_1();
void pause_2();

//main function
void main(void)

    TRISC = 0x00;
    PORTC = 0b00000000;    

        for(c=0; c<10; c++)

            LED0 = 1;
            LED0 = 0;
            LED1 = 1;
            LED1 = 0;
            LED2 = 1;

            LED2 = 0;
            LED1 = 1;
            LED1 = 0;
            LED0 = 1;

        //re-initalize PORTC
        PORTC = 0b00000000;
        for(c=0; c<10; c++)

            PORTC = 0b10101010;
            PORTC = 0b01010101;

        for(c=0; c<10; c++)

            PORTC = 0b11110000;

            PORTC = 0b00001111;


        for(c=0; c<10; c++)

            PORTC = 0b11001100;

            PORTC = 0b00110011;


        for(c=0; c<10; c++)

            PORTC = 0b10000001;

            PORTC = 0b01000010;

            PORTC = 0b00100100;

            PORTC = 0b00011000;

            PORTC = 0b00100100;

            PORTC = 0b01000010;




void pause_1()

    for(i=0; i<4000; i++);
    for(i=0; i<4000; i++);


void pause_2()

    for(i=0; i<4000; i++);
    for(i=0; i<4000; i++);
    for(i=0; i<4000; i++);
    for(i=0; i<4000; i++);
    for(i=0; i<4000; i++);
    for(i=0; i<4000; i++);


Tell me if you want more!

The code was made by me, or taken from several projects on the web and modified to work with the PIC16f690


Messages In This Thread
PIC projects! C and Assembler - by Inventor - 05-20-2011, 01:41 PM
RE: PIC projects! C and Assembler - by The-One - 05-29-2011, 03:05 PM
RE: PIC projects! C and Assembler - by Inventor - 05-29-2011, 08:53 PM
RE: PIC projects! C and Assembler - by BacklTrack - 05-29-2011, 05:03 PM
RE: PIC projects! C and Assembler - by Inventor - 11-04-2011, 06:42 PM
RE: PIC projects! C and Assembler - by Caffeine - 12-14-2011, 10:17 AM

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