(10-21-2009, 07:53 AM)NinjaGeek Wrote: Yeah I know about the PC specs and that's not a problem.... the problem I've always had was the right type of BIOS...
I have used PCSX1 and it was a good one.
Forgot to say that a cousin of mine also dumped his bios for me, he also got his friend to dump his bios so now I have plenty of versions. Muahahaha!
With BIOS, I think there are two versions per regional bios:
Regional BIOS:
Eu (not sure if this version exists or stated as International)
(not sure if there is a 1.0)
But be warned, before using a PS2 game on your PCSX2, you need to check their website games list for "compatibility", not all games are compatible with PCSX2. I bawwwwed when Killzone 2 wasn't compatible. Although it was a great consolation that FFXII, Tekken and MGS3 Snake Eater ran like a charm. And with a beefy PC you can UP the quality more as long as your rig can take it.
Some games are picky with your bios version so I suggest bios swapping as a legitimate means of getting more bios.
Just look around there for compatibility and the newer versions of PCSX2 before tweaking your settings, or else your bite your toes in frustration.
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