(03-26-2011, 10:38 AM)Fragma Wrote: Because you're constantly flaming, trolling, and looking for arguments... How can you not see that?
How can you not see that YOU started this "argument"?
My thread was CLEARLY titled "Need to vent"
which MEANS that I made a thread because I was irritated,
and needed to write out my frustration.
I told you, I only REALLY flame/troll people when they do
stupid stuff like come on my threads and try to pick fights/troll.
That's just how I handle people like that. I don't report trolls/flamers,
that's just stupid to me. I don't even -rep people who -rep me on HF,
I +rep them, to show how little I actually care. People who report posts 90% of the time
just report them because they don't like someone, not because they're actually breaking a rule.
What other purpose could you have had by telling me that you think I'm annoying?
Like I said, not everyone thinks that, *obviously* because of my rep.