03-21-2011, 05:03 PM
Bit of an update. I sawe the guy in class yesterday. I could for the first time look him in the eyes. Funny enough he is not as strong when you look him in the eyes. I spoke to a girlfriend whom i confided in of what is going on. She was surprised and also felt him looking at her (probably that is how he looks at woman). All she said was she thinks he is damaged and she finds she puts a wall up to him as alarm bells go off with this guy. She thinks he is on some kind of drug as he is highly strung often with a very strange vulnerability. Strangely, i like him, but i confess form yesterday, i do not like him as much as i thought. Blimey i was obessessing before and it may be cos i felt lonely and this guy showed some attention. For him it is just physical. he did not go home with me like normal. He complimented me and I thanked him but ran away and left him standing. During the break we met in a coffee shop as i went down with the girls and out of surprise i hugged him. He froze up like strangnely hugging a rock. he looks at me with such intensity and it is safe to say he is messed up. Plenty of guys who are safer to be with that can also make you feel special and beautiful with the same look. One that is not emotionally manipulative and less creepy. Probably creepy is the wrong word. I guess, I am so fascinated with this human being that I like to understand him, like a physchology case study. First time i was happy and he was strange. I think the woman is right that he wants contact on his grounds and he is confuused as to why i am happy. An advice i took from you all. Continued support is appreciated in understanding this guy more to better deal with him in the future. By this i mean, not being strung along and hooked almost ebcause i strangely like him for some reason. Maybe my nurturing side just comes out. What do you guys think is happening here?