03-19-2011, 02:25 AM
Hej there, have you found out what causes the attacks? If not, any chance of keeping a journal. Natural rememdies which have proven to work is johannesort tablets which are known for its calming effects. The tea is good too. However long term treatment, it sounds to me that your subconscious is tiggering something for you to react in the way you do. Maybe back to your childhood or something you have seen. Therapy is something. It is hard when having an attack to think of breathing. But it would help to start becoming more conscious of your symptoms and causes to be allow a professional where u live to help you. Where do you live? If you have a pool, sometimes jumping or trampolining (may sound odd) can help refocus your attention away from the attack and allow you to physcially pump is out so to speak. A japanese oil nearby to inhale can also quickly sooth the senses. if it a go and let me know how it works out for you. A combination of therapy and help remedies for home is something i imagine will be best for you. Just got to find the best self remedy for you while you get help to find the source of the problem. One question, do you also get stomach aches or often stomach cramps?