03-15-2011, 04:39 PM
(03-15-2011, 04:20 PM)haphazard Wrote: Datura has a very bad rep. it has far more medicinal value than poisonous yet kids looking for a high die on it all the time (like frog/toad licking). I have had horrible trips on it and very beautiful ones. Online I see people saying dont smoke it and dont extract, make a tea. This is because you can dose it better. It is complete bullshit and alot of kids die cooking pods...
I do an acid/base extraction so I know I am getting the right amount, I have had a friend come up to me telling me about datura and he wants to try it. He already had 8 pods worth of seeds and he was just going to start eating them I gave him 1 mg of scopalomine and started smoking cigarettes like crazy (scopalomine: main ingrediant datura. scopalomine: anti chlolenergic drug, so smoking cigerates chould increase the bodies natural acetylchloline neurotransmitter making the chlolenergic rebound much better than standard datura dieing. I saved his life, he had tripped balls for several hours, ( I had pilocarpine on hand in case an antidote was necasary ) he enjoyed the first hour of the trip (talked to deceased familly members who started having a very deep conversation) but then he started going kinda blind, no spit (etc) he said he was done and he knew I had the anti dote, he was like "yeah im done hit me up with the anti" I said "you were going to eat 8 pods worth of seeds, several times the lethal limit, your learning your lesson..." long story short he was done in several hours full health no side effects, never wants datura again.
and yes meth, heroin and pcp are really bad drugs, I hope everybody knows the distinction between psychotheraputic and just getting ****ed up
Oh jeez.
Among the people that do drugs, one rule of thumbs is to do
your research before hand. I would NEVER suggest doing a drug
unless you can (for all intents and purposes) verbalize the LD50 for
general weights, the general extraction method, for that type of drugs, and
a general idea of how the drug is synthesized/grown/what the substance
consists of. That's just my opinion, though. I personally believe if someone
had this basic information before taking a drug, that would help deter
anyone from taking fatal doses.
And yeah, I've just heard about the bad trips on Datura.