02-17-2011, 08:32 PM
see,if you wanna ban a country,there is likely that you ban their IP range which is the best way in myBB,just notice their first 2 numbers of the IP for example,if Israel has IP starting from 115.13.***.*** and if you wanna ban that range,just do this:
1) Login your ACP
2) Users and Groups
3) Banning> IP Ban or w/e
Now to enter a range of IP to be banned there,do this:
Suppose the IP is 115.13.***.*** so if you wanna ban that range,what you would do is in the IP ban range enter something like this:
So it will ban the whole IP range and it would show the IP banned message next time when they visits
1) Login your ACP
2) Users and Groups
3) Banning> IP Ban or w/e
Now to enter a range of IP to be banned there,do this:
Suppose the IP is 115.13.***.*** so if you wanna ban that range,what you would do is in the IP ban range enter something like this:
So it will ban the whole IP range and it would show the IP banned message next time when they visits