01-23-2011, 03:47 PM
Infinity is a smart man, you should take his advice and Google search "Maslow's Hierchy of Needs." Learn to manage your money, maybe you can get your parents to cosign a bank account for you and you will be able to save that way. Make sure you look at the bank plans and account types so avoid tons of fees. Even if you get into debt by getting college loans, you can pay off those debts once you get a job. Again that all depends on the type of loans, you should not get a very high interest loan as you could end up paying double what you borrowed. There are plenty of debt forgiveness programs if you decide to teach for a certain amount of years, but that isn't highly recommended. Do good in school, start making charts for money management and set goals and maximum spending limits for yourself. Scholarships are not too hard to get if you do well in school, and as for money management you can teach yourself by enforcing your own rules. A cosigned banking/savings account can help you keep your money managed and earn some interest on it as well.