01-13-2011, 02:19 PM
(01-13-2011, 02:16 PM)wisd0m Wrote: She does have interest in white people, but why did she say she's marrying a black male?
Do you have any clue her views on you?
And when do you come into contact?
I met up with her during a class, I told her to meet because she wanted some cookies I made ( canna cookies ).
She's an overall shy girl, I don't know if she likes this one black guy or not, she told him to come to a party on Friday but she also told me about it.
I just want to tell her I like her, but is it to much to write a paragraph about it? I dated this girl back in grade 6 for 3 weeks, we were young. Apparently last year she liked me (said my friend) and this year another friend said she might like me (but he doesn't talk to her)
I just want to show her what I would do and to go out of my way for her but I don't want to just say it if she has an interest in another guy, or should I?
- MSN: xAnonymous420@Hotmail.com