01-02-2011, 09:43 AM
You just need to go outside and live. If you think having a family and wife is boring you're going to miss out on a lot in life.
Does your school or town have any clubs for teens? Or does your school have dances often? Go to those. If you're friends don't want to go who cares? Go and meet new people. See a girl alone? Talk to her. See a whole bunch of kids fist pumping? Join in.
Like the guy above me said, you have down syndrome and I start feeling that if I'm in my house for like two days. Just go outside and chill with your friends. Do you guys have bikes? Ride them and practice tricks.
Does your school or town have any clubs for teens? Or does your school have dances often? Go to those. If you're friends don't want to go who cares? Go and meet new people. See a girl alone? Talk to her. See a whole bunch of kids fist pumping? Join in.
Like the guy above me said, you have down syndrome and I start feeling that if I'm in my house for like two days. Just go outside and chill with your friends. Do you guys have bikes? Ride them and practice tricks.