No on cares what you think of SF in the 1 hour you've been here. No one cares what you think about when HF is down. No one cares about the "1S HF 0FFL1N3?" threads.
This is Support Forums, we're not Hack Forums. Even though Omni told you to come here, doesn't mean it's Hack Forums #2, this is Support Forums. You don't discuss hacking here, you don't discuss when HF goes up, you discuss anything that fits the section.
We don't care about your sadness that HF is down.
Go whine somewhere else. Ever since HF was down, HF refugees have swarmed SF and have lessened the quality of posts here at SF.
This is Support Forums, we're not Hack Forums. Even though Omni told you to come here, doesn't mean it's Hack Forums #2, this is Support Forums. You don't discuss hacking here, you don't discuss when HF goes up, you discuss anything that fits the section.
We don't care about your sadness that HF is down.
Go whine somewhere else. Ever since HF was down, HF refugees have swarmed SF and have lessened the quality of posts here at SF.
Get my avatars here.