12-09-2010, 04:29 PM
(12-08-2010, 06:29 PM)Xander Wrote: I could go on for days ranting about the flaws in the world, but instead, I'll make it short and sweet.
Why in the hell do 90% of the girls go for the assholes, and only think of the nice guys as someone to talk to when their boyfriends hurt their feelings?
I'm sick and tired of having girls come to me crying wanting to talk, me finally getting them happy again, and their dickhead of a boyfriend just doing it all over again, no matter how hard I try, I always get friendzoned in favor of the butthead.
It's bullshit.
And the best thing is that they always say "appearance is not everything".
For them, it is. Here's an example from my life:
I used to like my classmate who's the same age as me.
I bet she could get any inteligent guy, but for some reason, she has a new boyfriend every month. She even admitted her longest relationship lasted about 80 days. After each break-up she acts like she'd be badly hurt. She picks random boys she hardly knows instead of someone that she knows for real.
Young girls usually don't realise that relationship isn't just making out here and there with someone they barely know just because he acts cool by getting drunk and smoking.
To be honest, I don't see even a single advantage of those one month-relationship.
Simply, I wouldn't go out with someone I know for a week or two.
Maybe I could get a girlfriend, but what for? She would be my age and our relationship would end after a month.
I'm not even trying to get a girlfriend when I see how immature girls my age are.
Even on the internet, their first question except "u gt six pack xx" is "how do u look? xx" or "r u nice ? xx".
And to the immaturity... I can't even have friends like anyone else.
I do have friends to laugh with, but not those I can rely on.
And that's why my best friend is a 23 years old girl that lives 6 time zones away from me and that I've never seen. Honestly, I don't care, but I know she is beautiful.
How do I know that if I've never seen her before? I know her for four years and... maybe appearance is what we call nice, but the true beauty is inside. I'd exchange all my friends I know in real for her.