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Al-Qaeda are winning against the United States.
The only reason we have not had an attack in years is because Al-Qaeda does not want to attack us, they have no reason.

Shortly after 9/11, Bin Laden released a tape describing his plans, economic collapse within the United States, and he is succeeding.

They do not need to attack physically anymore, with the slightest mention of a terror attack, the stock markets plummet, sending us deeper and deeper into the hole dug by ourselves while being blinded by false security, Al-Qaeda doesn't need massive aircraft to cause an enormous death-toll, they chose that target because of the coverage they knew it would receive, they knew the site of the burning towers would strike fear in the hearts of the world, they could of done something much more horrible, something stealthy, that could of killed millions of people, such as chemicals in the water or another biological attack, but they chose the route that would cause the most media coverage, and we played right into his plan.

While we have a sense of security, Bin Laden is smiling knowing we are losing the fight, we are going bankrupt, anytime we start to recover, he just releases a threat and the stocks plummet and we go right back to square one.

The recently failed terrorist attacks were NOT sanctioned by Bin Laden, I can almost guarantee that, he's too intelligent to allow these amateurish attempts, if these were attacks sanctioned by Bin Laden himself, you can be sure that these would be thought out for a long period of time, like it or not, this man is this era's equivalent to Adolf Hitler, he's a horrible individual, but he understands politics, and he knows how to manipulate the people.

Attacks that inflict casualties are pointless from an Al-Qaeda standpoint now, we've already been attacked, and we're being attacked everyday, and we can't stitch the wound, and we're going to go bankrupt if things do not change, and they have to change fast.
I sit in this small hole and think

the voices aren't real

but they have the most beautiful ideas.

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Al-Qaeda are winning against the United States. - by Xander - 11-09-2010, 09:39 AM

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