10-11-2010, 03:59 PM
Well, normally I'd give advice like you have to be able to not fear rejection or embarrassment, but honestly in this situation I'd take it slow if I were in that position. Perhaps try a few of the suggestions above, try adding her on facebook, maybe chat to her on there a bit if your shy, perhaps get her number if you can do that. I'd also suggest seeing if the two of you have similar interests if you can manage to get her facebook and kind of uhmm "creep" her profile for a bit and see what she likes. I went out with a few "prep" girls in high school, most of them didn't end up to be anything meaningful. I guess my final advice would be to slowly try and ease yourself into a friendship or relationship. Think of the example of putting a frog in boiling water right away, it would die. If you slowly increase the water temperature, the frog will survive.