08-18-2010, 07:49 PM
(08-18-2010, 03:01 PM)Taniel Wrote: I like MW2 much better because I like realistic FPS games. With the cross-hair in H3, it never moves...Just line up your shot and press the trigger. Also, it takes a crap load of bullets to kill someone. (Unless it's a headshot) I know, they have shields and all that crap because it's in the future, but I like more modern type games. In MW2, it doesn't take much to kill or be killed. You guys say it takes skill to play H3, I'm not saying it doesn't because I don't play it. But you need skill in MW2 as well. I admit, there are things that are terribly wrong with it. (Painkiller, last stand, martyrdom, e.t.c.) But I've played every single CoD game and loved them. Of course, there are always flaws but I've learned to get past them. My favorite game right now is BFBC2 because it is even more realistic than MW2. It looks like Black Ops is going to be similar to BFBC2 but we will see when it is released.
So, my vote is for MW2. I used to love H3, but I don't play it as much anymore. (Mostly because I don't have the game anymore, but when I did I didn't really play it as much for a while)