Whole verse. I'll record it for you to show how it sounds:
Just a little verse I wrote up for you. I hope you don't take full credit for it.
Quote:lately ive ben
bin laden hiding like him
nothing more than a sinner
she don't know how to sin
keep freakin around and ima crash her benz
fat ass is sick and tired of these no hazbeenz
smirk grins these girls like identical twins
identical to the extint of sounding the same
it all sounds lame
nothing more than me getting my two minutes of fame
id be ashamed if it was me freakin that game
but its not so ima keep freakin, keep truckin
and keep lucking out in my sex,
everything fits together while I spit on the pussy
but when I spit crap I trash it and bash it to the extent of crashing
and im not into the flashing of pretty colors in videos so ill keep crap
Ill smash these whack asses like a freakin pimple
I aint gotta make my crap cool
Just a little verse I wrote up for you. I hope you don't take full credit for it.